Speaking in April

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Hoban Steel Drum Band
a musical change of pace

Date: Friday April 4, 2025 - doors open at 11:00 AM    


Our Lady of Cedars
507 South Cleveland Massillon Road
Fairlawn, OH 44333


Hoban High School started the Hoban Steel Drum program in 2006 and it has grown from 1 class with less than 20 students to 6 classes with an average of thirty students per class. Each class gives a minimum of two concerts per year with the upper classes performing more. Hoban sponsors three levels of steel drum bands: the beginners band, composed mostly of freshmen; the intermediate ensembles; and the Knights Pantastic, those in at least their second year of membership in the group. Each of these bands performs during school assemblies, other performances around town, as well as at the Ohio Music Education Association Solo and Ensemble Contest. The class has been directed for the last 12 years by Ronald Martin, a graduate of the University of Akron Steel Drum program and a very active local performer.


First FridayClub of Greater Akron's luncheons are held at:
Our Lady of Cedars
507 South Cleveland Massillon Road
Fairlawn, OH 44333

Coming in May

MAY 2 – Brian Polian, Director of Athletics, John Carroll University
Faith & Sports
    Reserve your seat now!

FFCGA | PO Box 13291 | Fairlawn, OH 44334 | (330) 535-7668 | ffcofga@gmail.com